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Exhibition Audio Guide
Be lead through the exhibition with the artists as your audio guide.
Introduction to Don’t Ignore the Periphery
Amanda Alderson, artwork statement
Brad Coleman, artwork statement
Process and collaboration
Slow art conversations
A Collaborative Feedback Loop
The Pulse of Process
Colour and Chance
Edges and Echoes
Material Conversations
The Art of Slow Looking
A Conversation Without End
Brad’s Playlist
Listen to the music that inspires Brad’s artwork.
Amanda’s Playlist
Tune into Amanda’s favourite stories and sounds.
With my Loop earplugs in or noise cancelling headphones on.
Edwardian and Victorian horror short stories
My guilty pleasure. Ghost stories, folklore and strange tales make up most of my listening hours at the jewellery bench.
Binaural Beats
Delta. 1.50Hz. A pulsing low hum set for healing the brain.
Install on your phone here: Brain Waves – Binaural Beats – Apps on Google Play
Music is largely intolerable to me now, but I enjoyed the clicking and whirring of the MRI machine during my brain scans. I created this playlist to evoke a similar sensation.